12 Everyday Items That Are 5 Meters Long /Big

Deborah Melindah

Updated on:

In our everyday lives, we’re surrounded by objects of various sizes, but have you ever stopped to consider just how big 5 meters really is?

This comprehensive guide will explore a diverse range of everyday items that measure approximately 5 meters in length, height, or width. By understanding these spatial relationships, we can gain a new perspective on the world around us and improve our sense of scale.

Understanding the 5-Meter Benchmark

Before we dive into our list of 5 meter objects, let’s establish a clear understanding of this measurement. Five meters is equivalent to about 16.4 feet or 196.85 inches. To put this in perspective, the average adult height is around 1.7 meters (5 feet 7 inches), so 5 meters is nearly three times the height of an average person.

Before we dive into our list of 5-meter objects, let’s establish a clear understanding of this measurement. Five meters is equivalent to about 16.4 feet or 196.85 inches. To put this in perspective, the average adult height is around 1.7 meters (5 feet 7 inches), so 5 meters is nearly three times the height of an average person.

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Visualizing 5 Meters in Different Contexts

To help you grasp the concept of five meters, let’s consider how it looks in various settings:

  • In a room: A 5-meter length would span the width of a large room or the length of a spacious living area.
  • Outdoors: Picture the length of a mid-size car parked end-to-end with a compact car.
  • In a swimming pool: It’s roughly equivalent to the width of two standard swimming pool lanes.

Now that we have a better understanding of what 5 meters looks like, let’s explore our list of everyday objects that measure up to this length.

12 Everyday Objects Measuring Approximately 5 Meters

1. Half of a Telephone Pole

Half of a Telephone Pole

Telephone poles, also known as utility poles, are ubiquitous in urban and rural landscapes. While their heights can vary, many standard telephone poles are about 10 meters tall, making half of one a perfect 5-meter example.

Telephone Pole Facts:

  • Average height: 9-12 meters (30-40 feet)
  • Typical spacing: 38-46 meters (125-150 feet) apart
  • Material: Usually wood, sometimes steel or concrete

Understanding the height of telephone poles is crucial for utility workers and urban planners, as it affects everything from power line installation to tree trimming practices. The 5-meter mark on a telephone pole serves as a useful reference point for estimating heights in outdoor settings.

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2. Five Adult’s Walking Steps

Five Adult's Walking Steps

An average adult’s stride length is about 0.8 to 1 meter, depending on height and walking speed. Thus, five adult walking steps typically cover a distance of about 5 meters.

Walking Step Statistics:

  • Average adult stride length: 0.8-1 meter
  • Steps per 5 meters: 5-6
  • Average walking speed: 1.4 meters per second

This comparison is particularly useful for estimating distances while walking or hiking, and it’s often used in fitness tracking and pedestrian infrastructure planning. Next time you’re out for a stroll, try counting your steps and see how close you come to covering 5 meters in five strides!

3. A Large Room

A Large Room

A room measuring 5 meters in length or width would indeed be considered quite spacious. This size is often found in living rooms, master bedrooms, or small conference rooms.

Room Size Comparisons:

  • Small bedroom: 3 x 3 meters
  • Average living room: 4 x 5 meters
  • Large master bedroom: 5 x 6 meters

Understanding room dimensions is crucial for interior design, furniture arrangement, and real estate valuation. A 5-meter room provides ample space for various activities and can create a sense of openness in a home or office environment.

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4. Two Swimming Pool Lanes

Two Swimming Pool Lanes

Standard swimming pool lanes are typically 2.5 meters wide, making two lanes side by side an excellent 5-meter reference.

Swimming Pool Facts:

  • Olympic pool length: 50 meters
  • Standard lane width: 2.5 meters
  • Minimum depth for racing: 2 meters

This measurement is crucial for competitive swimming, pool construction, and water safety planning. The 5-meter width created by two lanes provides enough space for swimmers to move comfortably without interfering with each other, making it an ideal setup for training and recreational swimming.

5. A Giraffe

A Giraffe

Giraffes, the tallest land animals, provide another impressive 5-meter example. While their necks alone don’t reach 5 meters, their total height from hooves to the tips of their ossicones (horn-like protrusions) can reach this mark.

Giraffe Height Facts:

  • Average adult height: 4.3-5.7 meters (14-19 feet)
  • Neck length: Up to 2.4 meters (8 feet)
  • Legs length: Up to 1.8 meters (6 feet)

The giraffe’s height is a prime example of evolutionary adaptation, allowing them to reach food sources unavailable to other herbivores. Standing next to a giraffe would give you a vivid, real-world understanding of just how tall 5 meters can be!

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6. A Mid-Size Car

A Mid-Size Car

Many popular mid-size car models measure close to 5 meters in length. This category includes family sedans and small SUVs, which are common sights on roads worldwide.

Mid-Size Car Dimensions: | Car Model | Length (meters) | |———–|—————–| | Toyota Camry | 4.88 | | Honda CR-V | 4.62 | | Ford Fusion | 4.87 |

Understanding car dimensions is crucial for parking design, garage planning, and automotive engineering. The length of a mid-size car provides a relatable reference point for visualizing 5 meters in everyday situations.

7. A Canoe

A Canoe

Many recreational canoes measure close to 5 meters in length. This size offers a good balance of stability, speed, and maneuverability for various water conditions.

Canoe Facts:

  • Common lengths: 4.3-5.5 meters (14-18 feet)
  • Typical width: 0.8-1 meter (33-40 inches)
  • Weight capacity: 300-700 kg (660-1540 lbs)

Canoe dimensions affect their performance characteristics, making length an important consideration for paddlers choosing a boat. A 5-meter canoe is versatile enough for both leisurely rides and more adventurous trips.

8. A Shipping Container

A Shipping Container

Standard shipping containers, which have revolutionized global trade, provide another excellent 5-meter reference.

Shipping Container Dimensions:

  • 20-foot container length: 6.1 meters
  • 40-foot container length: 12.2 meters
  • Standard width: 2.44 meters (8 feet)

While a 20-foot container exceeds our 5-meter benchmark, it’s close enough to serve as a useful reference point. These standardized dimensions have had a profound impact on global logistics and architecture, with shipping containers now being repurposed for everything from homes to pop-up shops.

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9. Two California Sea Lions

Two California Sea Lions

Male California sea lions can grow up to 2.4 meters (7.9 feet) in length. Two adult males lying head to tail would measure very close to 5 meters.

California Sea Lion Facts:

  • Male length: Up to 2.4 meters (7.9 feet)
  • Female length: Up to 2 meters (6.6 feet)
  • Weight: Males up to 360 kg (790 lbs), females up to 100 kg (220 lbs)

Understanding the size of marine mammals like sea lions is crucial for marine biology research and conservation efforts. Visualizing two sea lions side by side gives us a unique perspective on 5 meters in the animal kingdom.

10. A Small Yacht

A Small Yacht

Many small yacht models, often referred to as day sailors or weekenders, measure around 5 meters in length.

Small Yacht Characteristics:

  • Length range: 4.5-6 meters (15-20 feet)
  • Beam (width): 1.8-2.4 meters (6-8 feet)
  • Draft: 0.6-1.2 meters (2-4 feet)

This size of yacht offers a good balance of comfort and maneuverability, making it popular for recreational sailing. A 5-meter yacht is small enough to be easily managed by a single person or small crew, while still providing enough space for short trips or day outings.

11. A Light Pole

A Light Pole

Similar to telephone poles, many standard light poles or street lamps stand at about 5 meters tall.

Light Pole Facts:

  • Common heights: 4.3-5.5 meters (14-18 feet)
  • Spacing: Typically 30-50 meters apart
  • Material: Usually aluminum or steel

The height of light poles is carefully calculated to provide optimal illumination while minimizing light pollution. Next time you’re walking down a street at night, take a moment to appreciate how these 5-meter structures illuminate our urban environments.

12. Length of Two Surfboards

Length of Two Surfboards

Standard surfboard lengths vary, but many popular models are around 2.5 meters long. Therefore, two surfboards placed end to end would measure very close to 5 meters.

Surfboard Length Categories:

  • Short board: 1.5-2.1 meters (5-7 feet)
  • Fun board: 2.1-2.4 meters (7-8 feet)
  • Long board: 2.4-3 meters (8-10 feet)

Surfboard length affects the board’s performance characteristics, making it a crucial factor for surfers choosing equipment for different wave conditions. Visualizing two surfboards laid out on the beach gives us a tangible sense of 5 meters in a recreational context.

Practical Applications of 5-Meter Measurements

Understanding these 5-meter references has practical applications across various fields:

  1. Construction and Architecture: Helps in visualizing room sizes, ceiling heights, and building footprints. A 5-meter space could be a comfortable bedroom or a cozy office.
  2. Transportation and Urban Planning: Aids in designing parking spaces, road widths, and public transit systems. For example, knowing that a mid-size car is about 5 meters long helps in planning parking lot layouts.
  3. Sports and Recreation: Crucial for field and court dimensions, as well as equipment sizing. The width of two swimming pool lanes or the length of two surfboards provides context for athletic spaces and gear.
  4. Wildlife Conservation: Assists in understanding habitat requirements and designing appropriate enclosures. Knowing that a giraffe can reach heights of 5 meters influences zoo exhibit designs.
  5. Maritime Safety: Important for boat design, dock planning, and understanding marine animal behavior. The length of a small yacht or the size of sea lions informs maritime safety protocols.
  6. Outdoor Activities: Useful for hikers and campers in estimating distances. Five adult strides covering roughly 5 meters can help in quick distance calculations on trails.
  7. Home Improvement: Helps homeowners and DIY enthusiasts in planning renovations or furniture arrangements. Understanding that a large room might be 5 meters across aids in space planning.

Case Study: The 5-Meter Challenge in Urban Design

To illustrate the practical importance of understanding 5-meter measurements, let’s consider a case study in urban design.

A city planner is tasked with redesigning a narrow street to accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, and cars safely. The total width available is 15 meters. By understanding 5-meter increments, the planner can efficiently allocate space:

  • 5 meters for two lanes of vehicle traffic (2.5 meters each)
  • 5 meters for wide sidewalks on both sides (2.5 meters each)
  • 5 meters for two-way bicycle lanes and a small buffer zone

This design creates a balanced, multi-modal street that serves all users safely, demonstrating how 5-meter increments can be a useful tool in urban planning and design.


From the height of a giraffe to the length of two surfboards, from shipping containers to small yachts, our world is full of objects that measure up to the 5-meter benchmark. By understanding these spatial relationships, we gain a new appreciation for the scale of the world around us.

Whether you’re an average adult taking five strides, standing next to a telephone pole, or swimming laps in a pool, these 5-meter references provide valuable context for our daily experiences. They help us better comprehend sizes and distances, enhancing our spatial awareness and decision-making in various aspects of life.

So the next time you encounter a large room, a mid-size car, or even a pair of California sea lions, remember: you’re looking at something close to 5 meters in size. This newfound awareness will undoubtedly change the way you perceive and interact with your environment.

As we navigate our world, let’s carry this 5-meter perspective with us. It will enrich our understanding of spaces, improve our estimation skills, and perhaps even spark curiosity about the diverse and fascinating objects that surround us every day. After all, in the grand tapestry of our world, 5 meters is both impressively large and surprisingly compact – a true testament to the remarkable scale of our everyday existence.

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